Breaking the stigma around mental health with stem4

After supporting two local charities in London over Christmas with some successful festive fundraising, we started looking into who we can support and how we can help in the long-term.

We spoke to several amazing charities, but it quickly became clear that there was one which resonated with us all. With the help of our newly-elected charity ambassadors, we’re proud to announce that we have partnered with teenage mental health charity stem4 to support them in their goal to improve teenage mental health by stemming commonly occurring mental health issues at an early stage.

Fundraising fun

Fundraising for stem4 is well underway, with a host of events in the diary for 2019. To kick things off, our charity ambassadors set each department within Lenstore the task of creating a ‘team charity box’ using only resources found within the business. There were some great efforts from every department, and it was a fun opportunity for creative team building. You can check out some of their beautiful creations below!

Charity boxes

In an effort to raise a large sum of money for this great cause, three (very brave) members of our Clinical Team volunteered to shave their legs live in the office. The boys stuck to their word and raised an incredible £349!

With all the events we have planned for the rest of the year, stay in the loop by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Find out more about the amazing work of stem4 here. If you would like to donate, we now have a dedicated donation page! Your support would be greatly appreciated.