Keeping Your Eyes Healthy on Holiday

Unsure if you can take a dip in your lenses? Need some tips for travelling comfortably in contacts? Follow these lens care tips to keep your eyes healthy while away from home.

Packing Essentials For Contact Lens Wearers


Whether you’re travelling by road, rail or air, there are a few eye care fundamentals that you’ll want to pack.

  • Spare contact lenses.Pack enough pairs to cover your trip, and a few spare sets for safe measure.
  • Storage and solution.If you wear monthlies, you’ll also need to bring cleaning and storage essentials.
  • Eye drops. Available in handy vials for on-the-go use, artificial tears will help to keep your eyes moist throughout the flight.
  • A copy of your prescription — Just in case you damage or lose your lenses on the road.
  • Don’t forget your glasses.A simple tip like swapping out your contacts for glasses on the plane can help to relieve dry eyes in an instant.

Protect Your Eyes From The Elements

sunglasses on a beach

If you plan on camping, hiking, or enjoying a day at the beach, it’s a good idea to invest in a solid pair of shades to shield your eyes from the sun, wind or other harsh elements.

While our sunglasses are usually reserved for hot weather holidays, sun damage can occur year-round — even on a cloudy day.

Holiday Lens Care Tips

wash your hands

Get your holiday eye care routine off to a flying start with these top tips.

  • Remove your lenses before swimming. Why? Water carries all sorts of nasty impurities that can contaminate your contacts and cause infection.
  • Don’t decant solutions. Transferring a sterile solution from one container to another increases the risk of contamination. Keep it clean by opting for travel-size solutions or consider switching to daily disposables.
  • Always wash your hands before handling lenses. To minimise the risk of bacteria entering your eye and causing infection. If clean water and soap are not readily available,natural-based hand sanitiser or wet wipes are a good alternative.
  • Stick to your usual lens wear and care routine. It’s important to stay on track with replacing and cleaning your contacts, even if you’re in a new time zone.

Consider Switching To Daily Disposables

contact lenses

Daily disposables are considered a convenient and healthy choice when travelling, especially if you’re visiting a less developed country, where hygiene and a good lens care routine might be challenging.

Along with the health benefits of wearing a fresh lens every day, daily disposables offer complete comfort for the eye. While original dailies may have been dry or unsuitable for long days, modern day lenses, such as 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST and 1-DAY ACUVUE® TruEye, are designed to be as porous as possible to allow more oxygen to reach the eye. ACUVUE’s unique LACREON® Technology locks in a moisture-rich ingredient that keeps your contacts comfortable and hydrated even in the most challenging environments.

ACUVUE® MOIST and ACUVUE® TruEye contact lenses also offer the highest UV protection of any daily disposable contact lens, blocking out more than 98% UVB and 85% UVA rays – a great solution for outdoor activities or sunshine escapes. However, it’s important to keep in mind that UV-absorbing contacts alone do not provide adequate protection and should be supported with a pair of sunglasses.

ACUVUE offers a range of daily disposables, each with different qualities. That’s why it’s always best to speak to your optician to find a pair that fits your lifestyle and visual requirements.

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